1979 -  Born in Tokyo Japan
2003 - work as a studio man.
2003 - Started working as a studio assistant. 
2004 - Started as a freelance photographer
2006 - Started working at Essence Limited, taking in charge of steel photography shooting and film shooting/editing for fashion, apparel and beauty cosmetics brands. 
2012 - Relocated the production bases to London. 
2013 - assigned to BARK in STYLe / April 2013- Assigned to BARK in STYLe as a designated photographer. Now basing in Tokyo/London, catering to broader production globally. 
Works SHISEIDO / WELLA /moltobene / Zipper / NYLON / Metal Magazine / cancan / H&MPRESS / HiROMITHiSTLE / modeacote / goa / SPINNS / monomania /etc



2004年 スタジオとアシスタントを経験。


2006年有限会社エッセンスエンターテイメントを設立し、WELLA,SHISEIDO,BMW,EVERLAST,NYLON,Dazed and Confusedなどをはじめとしたファッション、ビューティーのスチール・映像撮影、編集、カタログ制作、WEB制作など担当。また東コレなどショーのオープニング映像なども手がける。

